USM shares Best Practices with CotSU

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The University of Southern Mindanao (USM) imparted its most effective procedures in research with the Cotabato State University (CotSU) on January 31, 2024, at the Skyroom, Administration Building, USM, Kabacan, Cotabato.

Dr. Debbie Marie B. Verzosa, the USM Vice President for Research, Development and Extension (VPRDE), along with the directors from the Research Publication Services Office, Research and Development Office (RDO), Extension Services Office (ESO), and Research Ethics Committee, presented the R&D processes and guidelines, research ethics, and best practices in research of the institution.

Furthermore, USM also shared the Journal of Agricultural Research, Development, Extension, and Technology (JARDET) Volumes 1-4 to CotSU.

Dr. Norkaina C. Samama, the University Research Director, along with Prof. Saidamin Bagolong, the director for Policy and Scientific Publication, Prof. Ombra Imam, the director for Peace and Development Center, Dr. Joanie Haramain, the Chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee were the members of the CotSU Technical Working Group for Research Manual Revision who visited the university. Other than USM, the CotSU team also visited other institutions in Mindanao as they continue their commitment to pursue excellence in research for their institution.

Loynei Frias Sumalinog
Loynei Frias Sumalinog
Loy, as he is fondly called by people, spends most of his time gardening during weekends. He has a habit of buying books more often than actually reading them. Also, he sets reminder to only drink two cups of coffee in a day, and forgets it every time.