CSC confers PRIME-HRM Bronze Award to USM
January 20, 2023
Research Colloquium Series of 2023 Starts with Dr. Cañolas and Dr. Crispolon
January 26, 2023
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) through en banc resolution 2200806 conferred the Program to institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) Bronze Award to the University of Southern Mindanao after being compliant with Level 2 Maturity Indicators.
On November 24–25, 2022, the University was assessed based on the four core HRM systems, namely, recruitment, selection, and placement (RSP); performance management (PM); learning and development (L&D); and rewards and recognition (R&R).
Level 2 indicates that the HR processes are guided by a set of defined and documented standard operating procedures responsive to the agency’s unique needs, and automation is being used to a certain extent.
To determine the agency’s compliance with basic civil services and rules, other areas evaluated were HR records management, leave administration, employee welfare, employee discipline, health and wellness, and compensation administration.