USM-Libungan Opens New Building 

USM-KCC Celebrates 25th Integration Anniversary 
February 4, 2025
Memorandum No. 004 S. 2025: Reiteration of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 16, S. 2024 Re: Revised Dress Code for Government Officials and Employees
February 5, 2025
USM-KCC Celebrates 25th Integration Anniversary 
February 4, 2025
Memorandum No. 004 S. 2025: Reiteration of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 16, S. 2024 Re: Revised Dress Code for Government Officials and Employees
February 5, 2025

The University of Southern Mindanao- Libungan Campus gathered its partners and stakeholders for the Turnover Ceremony of the 10- Million worth of Academic Building on January 30, 2025, at the USM-Libungan, Barangay Montay, Libungan, Cotabato. 

The academic building will be utilized as the Hospitality Management (HM) Building that will serve as venue for classes and laboratory of HM students. 

As part of his Infrastructure, Health, Education, Environment, Livelihood, and Peace and Order (IHEELP) Program, Hon. Joselito Sacdalan, the Congressman of the First District of Cotabato, graced the event. He thanked the institution for the continued partnership with his office that both aim for the improvement of the community.

Dr. Ardniel A. Baladjay expressed his thanks to their partners. “In behalf of the USM Administration, we are humbled with this project through the effort of Cong. Sacdalan… this is an innovative building for the students.” he underscored.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rody P. Garcia, the OIC President of USM, visited the campus on January 04, 2025. Dr. Garcia discussed important matters like Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) of its programs offered and its requirements for the development of the campus. 

Loynei Frias Sumalinog
Loynei Frias Sumalinog
Loy, as he is fondly called by people, spends most of his time gardening during weekends. He has a habit of buying books more often than actually reading them. Also, he sets reminder to only drink two cups of coffee in a day, and forgets it every time.