USM Futures Thinking Convenes Anew
July 19, 2024
USM, 7FAB Forge Partnership for Civic, Community Development
July 24, 2024
The Scholar Professors Advancing Research Knowledge (SPARK) Conference Series kicked off on July 23, 2024 at the Commercial Building of University of Southern Mindanao. In the first activity of this series, four USM experts from the College of Science and Mathematics shared their research to a wider audience. Under the initiative of USM President Francisco Gil N. Garcia, PhD., and the Head of the SPARK Conference Series, Assoc. Prof. Mary Joy S. Cañolas, the activity provides a venue for USM experts to disseminate their research interests to the wider community. Ultimately, these conversations are anticipated to generate new ideas and promote collaborations across various units.
Assoc. Prof. Leonard M. Paleta discussed the basics of graph theory, a branch of mathematics that has wide applications in diverse fields. It can be used to analyze organizational structures, social networks, traffic flows, and political conflicts, among others. Prof. Jelly Grace B. Nonesa, the country’s first astrophysicist, then discussed the theory of dark matter and dark energy. She shared how her own empirical calculations confirmed the theory that dark matter and dark energy exist. Next, Prof. Debbie Marie B. Verzosa shared how education in particular and humanity in general can remain competitive in the age of artificial intelligence. Finally, Prof. Ma. Teodora N. Cabasan introduced the audience to nematodes, and how they can become harmful pests or potential bio-control agents. She then shared her research on the applications of nematology to agriculture.
The presentations were followed by a more informal discussion facilitated by Assoc. Prof. Krizler C. Tanalgo through identified discussants Assoc. Prof. Philip Lester P. Benjamin, Asst. Prof. Benedict D. Entera, Assoc. Prof. Gerlie E. Ticbe, and Ms. Rona Mante. An open forum marked the end of the scientific program.
The SPARK Conference Series is a locally funded project monitored by the Extension Services Office. The first activity was co-organized with the College of Science and Mathematics, through the lead of Assoc. Prof. Angelo R. Agduma. The activity was attended by faculty, graduate and undergraduate students from the various colleges of the university.