Ethics forms for Research Involving Humans
New Submissions
Application for Ethics Review of a New Protocol/Study
Research Protocol/Study Template (Form 3)
Informed Consent Form (for Respondents or Participants 18 years Old and Above)
Assent Form (for Respondents or Participants Below 18 Years Old)
For Ethics Applications that Require Revisions
For Research that Requires Amendments to the Approved Protocol
Application for Ethics Review of Amendments
Progress Reports to Describe Compliance to Approved Protocol and Problems Encountered
Application for Continuing Review
Ethics for Research Involving Animals
Email [email protected] to request a copy.
Undergraduate Students
Thesis Guides
Thesis Outline/Proposal Templates
Undergraduate Thesis Outline Template
Undergraduate Qualitative Thesis Outline (Filipino)
Undergraduate Quantitative Thesis Outline (Filipino)
Undergraduate Thesis Outline (Applied Mathematics)
Thesis Manuscript Templates
Undergraduate Thesis Manuscript Template
Undergraduate Qualitative Thesis Manuscript (Filipino)
Undergraduate Quantitative Thesis Manuscript (Filipino)
Undergraduate Thesis Manuscript (Applied Mathematics)
Other Forms
Application for Change of Adviser
Application for Change of Research Title
Application for Research Adviser
Application for Research Title
Application for Thesis Manuscript Defense
Application for Thesis Outline Defense
Estimated Budget of the Research
Spine or Backbone of Hardbound Thesis
Actual Budget of the Research (after Estimated Budget)
Graduate Students
Thesis Guides
Thesis Outline/Proposal Templates
Thesis Manuscript Templates
Spine or Backbone of Hardbound Thesis
Other Templates

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This is just a dummy file.

This is just a dummy file.