Dr. Edward A. Barlaan
- PhD in Agriculture
- MS in Agronomy
- MS in Agriculture
- Vice President for Research, Development and Extension
- Professor VI
- Agriculture
- Plant Breeding
- Genetics
- Agronomy
- Biology
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Microbial Ecology
Research Grants:
- Funding Agency: DOST-PCAARRD
- Budget: PhP 40,427,672.00
- Duration: 3 years (2021-2024)
- Status: Fund for release
- Validation of Molecular Markers for Identification of Cacao HYVs, Criollo Types and Disease Resistant Varieties Through Marker-assisted Breeding.
- Funding Agency: DOST-PCAARRD
- Budget: PhP 4,851,108.28
- Duration: 2 years (2021-2023)
- Status: Fund for release
- Fruit Quality Improvement in Carabao Mango through Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Identification for Scab and Stem-end Rot Resistance by Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) and Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS).
- Funding Agency: DOST-PCAARRD
- Budget: PhP 11.875,045.00
- Duration: 3 years (2020-2023)
- Status: On-going
- MECO-TECO Joint Research Project: Improvement of Carabao Mango Production and Fruit Quality through Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Identification for Scab and Stem-end Rot Resistance by Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS).
- Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology
- Budget: PhP 4.2 million
- Duration: 3 years (2019-2022)
- Status: On-going
- Project Title: Molecular Identification and Detection of Microbial Pathogens of Banana.
- Funding Agency: Commission on Higher Education
- Budget: PhP 14,809,396.80
- Duration: 2 years (2017-2020)
- Status: Completed
- Project Title: Identification and Molecular Profiling of Oil Palm Varieties and Hybrids towards Oil Palm Varietal Improvement in the Philippines.
- Funding Agency: Commission on Higher Education
- Budget: PhP 4,832,180.00
- Duration: 2 years (2017-2019)
- Status: Completed
- Project Title: Functional Genomics Assisted Development of Gene Markers for Economically Important Traits in Cacao Production and Varietal Improvement.
- Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology
- Budget: PhP 6,752,980.00
- Duration: 3 years (2015-2018)
- Status: Completed
- Project Title: Biomarker Development and Molecular Mapping for Coconut Genetic Improvement.
- Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology
- Budget: PhP 28,990,978.50
- Duration: 5 years (2014-2019)
- Status: Completed
- Project Title: Molecular Identification and Detection of Microbial Pathogens of Milkfish.
- Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology
- Budget: PhP 9,534,268.00
- Duration: 3 years (2012-2015)
- Status: Completed
Patents & other Scientific Resource Contributions:
Patent Applications
- DNA Probe Kits for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens. Inventor: A. Barlaan. Patent Application No. 2016000444 November 29, 2016.
Patents Submitted
- JP 2005-65604 Fish pathogenic bacteria detection substrate, method and agent [Co-inventors: A. Barlaan, M. Sugimori, K. Takeuchi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan)]
- JP 2005-65605 Method for microbial population analysis [Co-inventors: E.A. Barlaan, M. Sugimori, K. Takeuchi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan)]
Publication Citations
- Google Scholar = 303 (June 2021)
Article published
- Cabasan, M.T.N., J.A.G. Tabora, N.N. Cabatac, C.M. Jumao-as, J.O. Soberano, J.V. Turba, N.H.A. Dagamac, A. Barlaan. 2019. Economic and ecological perspectives of farmers on rice insect pest management. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage. 5:31-42
- Barlaan, E.A. C. Laurena and E.K. Sales. 2018. Functional genomics- and bioinformatics-assisted gene marker development for economically important traits in cacao. Acta Hortic. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1203.13.
- Barlaan, E.A., J.M. Guarte, and C.I. Moncada. 2015. Molecular profiling of culturable bacteria from portable drinking water filtration systems and tap water in three cities of Metro Manila, Philippines. Int. J. Phil. Sci. and Tech. 8:24-30.
- Laza, Ma. R., M. Kondo, O. Ideta, Barlaan, and T. Imbe. 2010. Quantitative trait loci for stomatal density and size in lowland rice. Euphytica 172:149-158.
- Barlaan, E.A., S. Furukawa, and K. Takeuchi. 2007. Detection of bacteria associated with harmful algal blooms from coastal and microcosm environments using electronic microarrays. Environ. Microbiol. 9:690-702.
- Laza, Ma. R., M. Kondo, O. Ideta, Barlaan, and T. Imbe. 2006. Identification of quantitative trait loci for δ13C and productivity in irrigated lowland rice. Crop Sci. 46:763-773.
- Barlaan, E.A., M. Sugimori, S. Furukawa, and K. Takeuchi. 2005. Electronic microarray analysis of 16S rDNA amplicons for bacterial detection. J. Biotech. 115:11-21.
- Barlaan, E.A., M. Sugimori, S. Furukawa, and K. Takeuchi. 2005. Profiling and monitoring of microbial populations by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Microbiol. Methods 61:399-412.
- Barlaan, E.A., H. Sato, J. Mushika, S. Taketa and M. Ichii. 2001. Molecular mapping of the cnx 2 locus involved in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa). Theor. Appl. Genet. 102:540-544.
- Barlaan, E.A., H. Sato, and M. Ichii. 1998. Nitrate reductase activities in rice genotypes in irrigated lowlands. Crop Sci. 38:728-734.
- Barlaan, E.A. and M. Ichii. 1997. Relationship of nitrate and nitrite reductase activities to yield and agronomic traits in rice. p.181-182. In 8th SABRAO Int. Congr. 24-28 Sept. 1997. Seoul, Korea.
- Barlaan, E.A. and M. Ichii. 1996. Genotypic variability in nitrate assimilation in rice. p 434-440. InS. Khush (ed.) Rice Genetics III. Proceedings of the Third International Rice Genetics Symposium. Manila, Philippines. International Rice Research Institute.
- Barlaan, E.A. and M. Ichii. 1996. Genotypic variation in nitrate and nitrite reductase activities in rice (Oryza sativa). Breeding Sci. 46:125-131.
- PAGASA Award for Rice Improvement. 1992. Civil Service Commission, Philippines
- Best Research Paper Award (2nd Place). From Functional Genomics to Functional Applications in Cacao Production and Varietal Improvement. E.A. Barlaan, E.K. Sales and A.C. Laurena. National Symposium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development 2020 (NSAARRD). December 1, 2020.
- Outstanding Alumni Award (Research Category). University of Southern Mindanao.
- Cum Laude Honor. 1978. University of Southern Mindanao, Philippines
- Best Paper Presentation (1st Place). From Functional Genomics to Functional Agriculture: Cacao Functional Genomics to Functional Cacao Production and Varietal Improvement. E.A. Barlaan, E.K. Sales and A.C. Laurena. 31st National Research Symposium. Quezon City. October 16-17, 2019
- Best Poster Presentation. Molecular fingerprinting of Philippine palm species using bioinformatics- generated SSR marker derived from coconut genome. 6th National Congress and 2018 Philippine Agriculturists’ Summit. Cebu City. July 2-26, 2018.
- Invention Disclosure Award. 2017. DNA Probe Kits for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens. A. Barlaan. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. October 13, 2017.
- Invention Disclosure Award. 2016. DNA Probe Kits for Detection of Bacterial Pathogens. A. Barlaan. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. April 8, 2016.
- Best Poster (1st Place). Functional genomics- and bioinformatics-assisted gene marker development for economically important traits in rubber. E.K. Sales, A. Barlaan, A.C. Laurena and M.G. Secretaria. 24th Cotabato Agriculture Aquatic and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CAARRDEC) R&D Regional Symposium. Sultan Kudarat State University, Tacurong City. December 7-8, 2017.
- Best Research Poster (2nd Place). Utilization of simple sequence repeat markers developed from coconut genome for fingerprinting of different palm species. A.
- Barlaan and A.E. Elivazo. International Banana Conference, 1st PSBMB Mindanao Scientific Conference, General Santos City. October 26-27, 2017.
- Best Research Poster (3rd Place). Isolation and characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum causing Moko and Bugtok Diseases in Banana for Probe-based molecular detection. E.A. Barlaan and S.T. Inocencio. International Banana Conference, 1st PSBMB Mindanao Scientific Conference, General Santos City. October 26-27, 2017.
Local Fund Research (Mentoring Researchers):
- Program Title: University of Southern Mindanao Futures Thinking for Food Security, Systems, Innovations and Sustainability
Program Leader: Dr. Francisco Gil N. Garcia
Project 1 Leader: Dr. Francisco Gil N. Garcia
Project 2 Leader: Dr. Edward A. Barlaan
Project 3 Leader: Dr. Ma. Teodora N. Cabasan
- Duration: February – December 2021
- Status: on-going
- Project Title: Development of Innovative Approaches for Clonal Propagation of Industrial and Fruit Crops
Project 3 Leader: Dr. Edward A. Barlaan
- Duration: January – December 2021
- Status: on-going
- Project Title: Development of Innovative Approaches for Clonal Propagation of Industrial and Fruit Crops
Project 3 Leader: Dr. Edward A. Barlaan
- Duration: January – December 2021
- Status: on-going
- Study Title: Selection for Glyphosate Tolerance and Corn Borer resistance in Corn Segregating Populations
Component Leader: Dr. Edward A. Barlaan
- Duration: January – December 2021
- Status: on-going
- Development of Innovative Approaches for Clonal Propagation of Industrial and Fruit Crops
- Budget: PhP 205,000.00
- Duration: (January-December 2021)
- Status: on-going
- Development of Handbook on Good Agricultural Practices and Marketing Systems for Economically Important Crops in USM
Study 1. Development of Handbook on Good Agricultural Practices and Marketing Practices (GAMPs) in High Value Industrial Crops
Study 2. Development of Handbook on Good Agricultural Practices and Marketing Practices (GAMPs) in High Value Fruit Crops- Budget: PhP 100,000.00
- Duration: (January-December 2021)
- Status: on-going
- Rehabilitation of High Value Crop Commodities for Research and Production
- Budget: PhP 125,000.00
- Duration: (January-December 2020)
- Status: completed
- STUDY: Filipino Cuisine: Twists, Tweaks and Variants
- Budget: PhP 225,000.00
- Duration: (January-December 2019)
- Status: completed
- Agro-Farm Tourism Development for Fruits and Industrial Crops in the University of Southern MindanaoStudy 1. Agro-Eco Farm Tourism Development for Existing Fruit Cop Orchards Study 2. Coconut Gene Bank Establishment for Education and Tourism STUDY 3: Rehabilitation of Existing Fruit Crop Orchards
- Budget: PhP 233,333.33
- Duration: (January-December 2019)
- Status: completed
- Project: Development of Electronic Data Filing and Retrieval System of University Southern Mindanao faculty and StaffStudy 1. Data Consolidation for Data Storage and RetrievalStudy 2. Development of Programs for Systematic Data Storage and Retrieval
- Budget: PhP 382,183.00
- Duration: (March-December 2018)
- Status: completed