IRRDB Secretary-General Visits USM Rubber Research Sites

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PCAARRD’s IDD Visits USM to Monitor and Evaluate Funded Projects
January 28, 2025

The Secretary-General of the International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDB), Datuk Seri Dr. Abdul Aziz SA Kadir, visited various rubber research sites at the University of Southern Mindanao (USM) on January 23, 2025. The visit aimed to share insights and explore potential collaborations between the university and the IRRDB.

The IRRDB is a global organization established in 1960 that coordinates efforts among member institutes to support natural rubber producers, foster collaboration, and protect the interests of natural rubber as a valuable resource worldwide.

Accompanying Dr. Aziz were staff of the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) and other international delegates, including Mr. Salvatore Pinizotto, Co-founder and Managing Director of Xida Communications; Dr. Enoka Munasinghe, Principal Research Officer of RRISL; Dr. Kuruvilla Jacob, IRRDB Fellow and Former Director of the Rubber Training Institute of India; Dr. Samanthi P. Withanage, additional Director of RRIS; and Yang Mulia Ts. Raja Shazrin Shah bin Raja Ehsan Shah, Managing Director of Galaxy Tech Solutions.

Among the areas visited were various rubber plantations in the USM Agricultural Research and Development Center (USMARDC), the research site of internationally-funded rubber research project, and the SOCCSKSARGEN Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (SOXAARRDEC) office. The delegation also toured the site of USM’s oldest surviving rubber tree.

USM’s Vice President for Research, Development, and Extension, Dr. Debbie Marie B. Verzosa, along with Dr. Romulo Cena, retired professor of USM; Dr. Jurhamid C. Imlan, USMARDC Director; and Dr. Julius Jerome G. Ele, SOXAARRDEC Director were present to welcome and assist the esteemed guests during their visit.