University Chem Day
February 25, 2023
University Chem Day Events
February 26, 2023
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February 26, 2023 all-day
Asia/Manila Timezone
USM Main Kabacan
USM Kabacan
USM Kabacan
Long time ago, the world was dark and dreary. War, hunger, and death, spread across the land and every single person lives in constant fear.
To survive, everyone had to work tooth and nail to get rid of the suffering and death that aims to consume all life on earth, and in this struggle, each person prays for a one-way ticket to escape from reality.
This was the condition until one day when their prayers were answered. A bard from distant lands arrived on their shores, bringing with him something rather peculiar, for it cannot be seen, nor felt by anyone. Rather, the bard asked everyone to gather round, and all shall be revealed. As they all gathered round, the bard spoke, and as he spoke, what once was a land of darkness and dread became a land of joy and laughter.
For the bard brought fairytales, timeless tales told to treat and teach. With unbelievable characters in unbelievable words, the people were brought to fantastic places while still being grounded in the real world. Some were spoken, and some were sung — the bard told tales till the clock bell rang.
As the bard left, the curious people wished to learn about telling tales. They said, “We’d like to tell fairytales too”. The bard replied before turning to the sunset, “Don’t be silly, it’s within all of you.”
Of course, this is just a fairy tale, but one thing is true. Fairytales are there to turn our frowns upside down. Passed on from generations, fairytales are our little escape from the real world. Just as the bard said, fairy tales are within everyone, just waiting to be shared with the world.
In celebration of Tell a Fairytale Day, why don’t we all tell our tallest tales?

Source: The Mindanao Tech