Fish Talk
February 9, 2023
National Art Month: Finish the Lyrics Challenge
February 10, 2023
The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is now accepting applicants for the Tanglaw 2023 Editorial Board.
The editorial board will be responsible in the production of the annual USM yearbook publication. They are entitled to an honorarium as approved by the supervising committee.
Functions and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
1.Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Act as lead editor and shall be responsible for the overall content of the yearbook;
b. Act as leader in creating budgetary proposal for the operation and production of yearbook;
c. Set direction and devise strategy for the timely completion of the yearbook;
d. Review and submit the manuscript and decide on matters needing immediate decision, without prejudicing the interest of the editorial board as a whole;
e. Act as the representative of the yearbook in the signing of contract for printing and publication of the yearbook, and any communication documents;
f. Assure the commissioning of the printing and publication contract;
g. Update the advisers and consultants on the status of the yearbook;
h. Preside meetings of the editorial board;
2. Associate Editor. The Associate Editor shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Act as alter ego of the EIC, shall act as EIC in the absence of the EIC;
b. Act as secretary to document all the technical briefings, meetings, training and seminars, and other editorial board activities and shall be incharge for bookkeeping;
c. Disseminate announcements and reminders to the members of editorial board.
3. Managing Editor. The Managing Editor shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Act as Financial Head, and shall be responsible in managing cash transactions;
b. Act as Financial Document Controller;
c. Prepare accurate and transparent financial reports;
d. Responsible in evaluation and assessment of the workforce, and shall recommend hiring for piece work if deemed necessary.
4. Layout Artist. The Associate Editor shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Supervise and review the over-all layout of the yearbook;
b. Conceptualize the flow of the layout process;
c. Check the final layout before submitting the files to the printing press.
5. College Editors
a. Responsible in collecting data from graduating class under their respective college;
b. Responsible in checking the accuracy of the data to be included in the yearbook
c. Review all data encoded for the yearbook;
d. Collect messages from their respective College Deans, to be included in the content of the yearbook;
TO ALL INTERESTED APPLICANTS, submit the following requirements on or before February 13, 2023 at the 2nd Floor of the USM-OSA Building, USM Main Campus, Kabacan, Cotabato.
1. Application Letter
2. Pertinent Documents (Proof of Experience)
3. Sample Output (for layout artists)
Address your letter to:
Head, OSA Student Dev’t Services Dep’t
Source: Click here