Barlaan, Tanalgo gain S&T Awards from DOST-PCAARRD

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November 10, 2023
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MinTech bags 25 record-breaking awards in SPAM, Inc
November 10, 2023
USM Secures 4th Place in Regional PSQ
November 11, 2023

In celebration of the 51st Founding Anniversary of the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), Dr. Edward A. Barlaan, a Professor Emeritus from University of Southern Mindanao (USM) won the Best R&D Paper for the Research Category and Associate Professor V Dr. Krizler C. Tanalgo earned the Elvira O. Tan Award for the Natural Resources Category during the recognition and awarding ceremony on November 10, 2023 at DOST-PCAARRD, Los Banos, Laguna.

On the first hand, Dr. Barlaan presented his research paper titled: “DNA Probe Kits for Detection and Monitoring of Banana Disease Pathogens in Digital PCR or Quantitative Real-time PCR: A Boost to Banana Industry” during the National Symposium on Agriculture Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development 2023 (NSAARRD 2023) on October 13, 2023. His paper had undergone the selection process: Preliminary screening, Secondary Screening by the Internal Screening Committee (ISC), and two stages of External Review Committee (ERC) Evaluation. NSAARRD is a venue to disseminate R&D results and the country’s most outstanding outputs as well as to keep stakeholders well-informed of innovations in the agriculture aquatic and natural resources (AANR) sector. For the internal screening committee, the criteria for judging include: Manuscript/ Write-up 40% and Significance of Research Results 60%, while for the external screening committee criteria comprise: 30% for Manuscript/Write-up, 30% for Significance of Research and Results and 30% for the Presentation.

On the other hand, the EO Tan Award is given to Filipino scientist/researcher who is a lead author of an R&D Paper, which is published in an International Scientific Indexing (ISI)-accredited local and/or international journal within the last five years prior to the date of award. Dr. Tanalgo was nominated by the university and endorsed by the SOCCSKSARGEN Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (SOXAARRDEC). With him in his winning publication titled: “Bat Cave Vulnerability Index (BCVI): A holistic rapid assessment tool to identify priorities for effective cave conservation in the tropics.” are Dr. John Aries G. Tabora of USM and Dr. Alice Catherine Hughes of University of Chinese Academy of Science Beijing. The judging of the award was based on the following criteria: Contribution to the S&T Advancement 25%, Contribution to Industry 40%, and Technical Outputs 35%.

Guided by this year’s theme: “Galing PCAARRD: Honoring People and Partnerships in AANR lnnovations”, the DOST-PCAARRD have also given the awards to wit: Ulat SIPAG, SINAG, Pantas, and Tanglaw awards to individuals and groups with initiatives related to Science and Technology (S&T). DOST-PCAARRD has long been a partner of USM in its R&D strategies and R&D results utilization.

Loynei Frias Sumalinog
Loynei Frias Sumalinog
Loy, as he is fondly called by people, spends most of his time gardening during weekends. He has a habit of buying books more often than actually reading them. Also, he sets reminder to only drink two cups of coffee in a day, and forgets it every time.