The Department of Veterinary Medicine was established in 1981 by the University of Southern Mindanao in response to regional poultry and livestock needs. It was envisioned to produce competent veterinarians who will participate in boosting livestock and poultry production. Aside from providing manpower for instruction, research, extension and production, the graduates are also expected to help safeguard the public from animal diseases that are transmissible to human beings.
Since 1981 up to mid-1988, the Department was a unit under the College of Agriculture. But was converted into the Institute of Veterinary Medicine on July 8, 1988. Since then, the Institute became a separate academic unit of the College of Agriculture.
It was realized however, that the present set-up of the unit is working against the objective of the University, i.e.: to create a strong impact in the said field of specialization. To satisfy the requirement set by the Technical Panel for Agricultural Education, Resolution No. 24, series of 1994 paved the conversion of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine to the College of Veterinary Medicine on November 10, 1994.
Because of the undeniable quality services of the College, CVM enjoyed its Award of Distinction being the Center of Excellence of its Doctor of Veterinary Medicine by the Office of the President and the Commission on Higher Education from 2009-2014. The College, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine enjoys all the rights and privileges as level III AACUP accredited.
The College of Veterinary Medicine is currently ISO 9001:2015 certified. Along with its ISO Certification is its passing the AACUP Level IV Phase 1 accreditation. From being the Center of Excellence for Veterinary Education (2009-2012), the College now holds the distinction as the Center of Development for Veterinary Education in 2017. From its humble beginning as an institute, CVM has produced a number of topnotchers in the Veterinary Licensure Examination over the years.
To mention:
Dr. Jan Clyden B. Tenorio who garnered the Top 4 spot among the 1,057 examinees who took the 2019 VLE.
The CVM faculty members have also granted a number of noteworthy accolades through the years. Recently, Drs. Elizabeth C. Molina and Elsa A. Gonzaga successfully passed the national accreditation of PASUC for University Professors. Likewise, Dr. Josephine Rapisura-Flores also passed the regional PASUC professorial accreditation; thus achieving the Professor II position.
A few of the faculty members have received awards from the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) for their exemplified excellence in the practice of veterinary medicine in the academe. CVM Dean, Dr. Emerlie R. Okit, was acknowledged by the PVMA-Southern Mindanao Chapter as the Most Outstanding Veterinary Professional last 2018. The following year, she received the Outstanding Veterinarian in Eductation award from the PVMA, National level. Dr. Elsa A. Gonzaga was also bestowed the same award by the PVMA-SMC last December 2018.
Aside from being excellent educators, faculty members have also held leadership positions in various offices of the University and in many research projects. Currently, Dr. Elizabeth C. Molina serves as the Director for the Cotabato Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (CAARRDEC), now SOXAARRDEC. Research projects led by the CVM faculty members are listed in the research section.
The following served as stewards of the institution:
Name | Year |
Dr. Antonio H. Cambel | 1980 – 1986 |
Dr. Jane C. Bacayo | 1986 – 1989 |
Dr. Bernabe C. Santos | 1989 – 1991 |
Dr. Al G. Gonzales | 1991 – 1992 |
Dr. Gilbert N. Buenviaje | 1992 – 1995 |
Dr. Jesus Antonio G. Derije | 1995 – 2000 |
Dr. Elsa A. Gonzaga | 2000 – 2002 |
Dr. Gilbert N. Buenviaje | 2002 – 2004 |
Dr. Emerlie R. Okit | 2004 – 2009 |
Dr. Elizabeth C. Molina | 2009 – 2011 |
Dr. Emerlie R. Okit | 2011 – Present |
To produce graduates possessing competence in the practice of general veterinary medicine who could assist in the treatment, control and prevention of animal diseases. These graduates shall be competent in the field of animal and public health. Parallel with this, the graduates are trained to be effective agents in the delivery of animal health and production technologies.
Of great importance, the College aims to produce men and women who are sensitive to the needs of the society. To make significant contribution in the field of animal health research that will benefit small scale poultry and livestock owners, through a meaningfull and vigorous extension program.
To achieve these objectives, the students are trained:
- To diagnose, treat, prevent and control diseases, to conduct disease surveillance, and formulate animal health management programs;
- To perform functions related to public health, promotion and animal rights andTo learn the advancement of animal production and preservation of wildlife;
- Not only to become a competent veterinarian but also to enable them to acquire proficiency in communication skills and become familiar with basic principles in social and natural sciences.
The DVM program is a six-year degree course which is compliant to the Commission on Higher Education’s policy, standards and guidelines. The BSVT degree is a four-year program.
Name | Highest Educational Attainment | Specialization |
Emerlie R. Okit, DVM, MTVSc, PhD | PhD in Animal Science in Central Luzon State University | Veterinary, Virology, Animal Reproductive Physiology |
Elizabeth C. Molina, DVM, MSAg, PhD | PhD in Tropical Veterinary Science in James Cook University | Veterinary, Parasitology and Immunology |
Elsa A. Gonzaga, DVM, MTVSc, PhD | PhD in Animal Science University of Southern Mindanao | Veterinary, Parasitology and Surgery |
Carlito B. Sanchez, DVM, MVSt | Master of Veterinary Studies University of Queensland | Farm Animal Medicine |
Josephine R. Flores, DVM, MVS | Master of Veterinary Science Massey University | Veterinary, Physiology and Animal Nutrition |
Lilian A. Lumbao, DVM, MSAS | Master of Science in Animal Science University of Southern Mindanao | Veterinary, Pathology, Livestock Production and Medicine |
Rolando J. Garduque, DVM, MPS | Master of Professional Studies – Animal Science University of Southern Mindanao | Veterinary Microbiology |
Vrenelie II D. Flores, DVM, MSAS | Master of Science in Animal Science University of Southern Mindanao | Food Hygiene, Canine and Feline Medicine |
Khan L. Junatas, DVM, MSc | Master of Science in Comparative Morphology University of Southern Mindanao | Veterinary Anatomy |
Garry D. Lasaga, DVM, MSAS | Master of Science in Animal Science University of Southern Mindanao | Swine Production and Medicine |
Alris John Calvo, DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine University of Southern Mindanao | Livestock Production and Medicine |
AP Warren P. Adamat, DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine University of Southern Mindanao | Livestock Production and Medicine |
Mark Stephen A. Estefania, DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine University of Southern Mindanao | Livestock Production and Medicine |
Jan Clyden B. Tenorio, DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine University of Southern Mindanao | Veterinary Pharmacology |
Precious Amor Beso, MSAS | Master of Science in Animal Science University of Southern Mindanao | Livestock Production |
Bendel Dunguines, LPT | Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology University of Southern Mindanao | Animal Health Care |
The faculty and students of the College of Veterinary Medicine have been engaging in various research projects that span various topic such as animal production, disease diagnostics, drug discovery and public health.
- Anthelmintic Metabolites from Herbal Medicines for Livestock Phase I (2019)
- Elsa A. Gonzaga –Project Leader
- Elizabeth C. Molina – Researcher
- Rolando J. Garduque – Researcher
- Loveile Jun A. Gonzaga – Researcher
- Gaps in the Rabies Control Program in Noth Cotabato Province (Project Assessment of Rabies Control Program in North Cotabato Province
Phase II 2019)
- Elizabeth C. Molina – Project Leader
- Elsa A. Gonzaga – Researcher
- Rolando J. Garduque – Researcher
- Gaps in the Rabies Control Program in Noth Cotabato Province (Project Assessment of Rabies Control Program in North Cotabato Province
Phase I 2018)
- Elizabeth C. Molina – Project Leader
- Elsa A. Gonzaga – Researcher
- Rolando J. Garduque – Researcher
- Morphological, Productive and Reproductive Characterization of Native Chickens in Region XII Phase II (2018)
- Elizabeth C. Molina – Project Leader
- Elsa A. Gonzaga – Researcher
- Rolando J. Garduque – Researcher
- Carlito B. Sanchez – Researcher
- Morphological, Productive and Reproductive Characterization of Native Chickens in Region XII Phase I (2017)
- Elizabeth C. Molina – Project Leader
- Elsa A. Gonzaga – Researcher
- Rolando J. Garduque – Researcher
- Carlito B. Sanchez – Researcher
- Co-factors for the Prevention and Control of Iron Deficiency (2015)
- Josephine Rapisura-Flores – Researcher/Graduate Student = The project was under the NEW Zealand Meat and Biologics Consortium and Massey University.
Tenorio JCB, Molina EC (2020). Schistosoma japonicum infections in cattle and water buffaloes of farming communities of Koronadal City, Philippines, Int. J.
One Health, 6(1): 28-33 doi: www.doi.org/10.14202/IJOH.2020 28-33
Salvaña FRP, Sepelagio EG, Sanchez CB (2020). A new record of ethno-veterinary practice using Tinospora rumphii Boerl. among goat raisers in Southern Mindanao, Philippines. J New Biol Rep 9(1): 60-63
Rapisura-Flores J, Morel PCH, Thomas DG, Wilkinson BHP, Rutherford-Markwick K, Purchar, RW (2019). Intestinal Histology and Immune Status of Semi-anemic Piglets Fed Lactoferrin, Meat, or Meat Extract. Phil. J. of Science. 148 (1): 113-118
Salvana FRP, Sepelagio EG, Sanchez CB, Besana CM, Kamamang JS, Cardenas LI (2019) Inventory and diversity of forages utilized by farmers raising goats in Halal way: The case of Region XII, Philippines, J. Livestock Sci. 10: 118-125 doi.10.33259 /JLivestSci.2019.118-125
Navarra G, Salvaña FRP, Sepelagio EG, Sanchez CB, Besana CM, Manceras, LJ, Bra SG.(2019). Species of forages utilized by farmers producing halal goats in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), PhilippineS. Asian J. of Ethnobiology. 2 (1): 1-7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.13057/asianjethrobiol/yo20102
Junatas, K.L., Tonar, z, Kubiková, T., Liška, V., Pálek, R. Mik, P., Králičková, M. and Witter, K. (2017), Stereological analysis of size and density of hepatocyte in the porcine liver. J. Anat. 230: 575-588. doi:10.1111/joa.12585
Gonzaga EA, Garduque RJ (2016). A Survey of Philippine Tabanidae in North Cotabato, Philippines. Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Journal. 3(1):91-103
Rapisura-Flores, J (2020). Iron bioavailability in piglets. A paper presentation delivered during the 87th Philippine Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Conference, February 19-212020 at SMX Convention Center, Davao City, Philippines
Various extension programs have been initiated by the faculty members of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Most of these programs focus in enhancing the livestock production of small-scale animal raisers. There are also projects that take a holistic approach in health, agriculture and livelihood.
Recent Extension Initiatives
- Native Chicken Production in Barangay Dagupan, Kabacan. This is a component of the USM extension project titled “Health, Environment, Agriculture and Livelihood Skills (HEALS) for sustainable development.” This project is headed by Dr. Elizabeth C. Molina together with the other faculty members of CVM.
- Rabies and African Swine Fever (ASF) Awareness Campaign. This activity is a component of USM Inter-Colleges Extension Project (CEP). Activities include guesting at DXVL to give information about rabies, and broadcasting of radio plugs pertaining to rabies, its prevention and control, and responsible pet ownership.
- Sustainable Animal Disease Control Program. This extension program was led by Dr. Elizabeth C. Molina and Dr. Elsa A. Gonzaga, together with Dr. Rolando J. Garduque.
- Dr. Carlito B. Sanchez served as a resource person for the technology pitching on non-invasive induction of estrus in goats during the Halal Goat FIESTA (Farms & Industry Encounters through Science and Technology Agenda) conducted by CAARDEC, CLAARDEC, ILAARDEC CVAARRD & SMAARRDEC in Davao City last October 17, 2019.
The College of Veterinary Medicine has its own Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) that offers veterinary services to pets and pet owners of Kabacan and nearby towns. Services offered include: veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, diagnostics (ie: hematology, urinalysis, dermatology & fecalysis), and treatment. The teaching hospital may also accept admission for severe cases, Veterinary products are also sold in the hospital. The CVM-VTH is supervised by Dr. Rolando J. Garduque. Licensed veterinarians from the college’s faculty may serve as attending veterinarians of cases.