The USM College of Medicine follows a program-based approach in its academic delivery. This method adheres to the relevant academic intervention that is aligned to the Licensure Examination of the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC).
It is also offered to produce homegrown medical doctors in the region that shall address the wide gap of patient-doctor ratio.
Each graduate of USM MD Program is expected to be:
- A practicing professional doctor
- Medical Researcher
- Medical Academician
- Community Doctor
- Corporate Doctor
- Clinical Doctor
- Employed in other medical related profession
Initial Requirements
- Completed Application Form
- Transcript of Records
- College Diploma or Certificate of Graduation
- NMAT score of 40% or above (acquired not more than two years prior to application)
- 2 certificates of Good Moral Character (either from the Dean or Professor of the previous school attended)
- Letter of intent (addressed to the Dean, College of Medicine)
- Two copies of 2×2 colored picture
Submission of documents
- For Hard copy – USM College of Medicine building
- For Soft copy – email at [email protected]
- Successful applicants will be notified by the admission committee for interview.
- Application Form and other Requirements
For more details see: Admission Tab
Application Period
April 02 – June15, 2022
8am – 4pm
All application should be submitted to the College of Medicine, USM, MD Program
The Dean
College of Medicine
MD Admin Building
USM, Kabacan, Cotabato
Document Requirements
- Original NMAT results (two-year validity)
- Original TOR or its equivalent
- Honorable Dismissal
- Letter of Intent (addressed to the Dean, College of Medicine)
- Filled out application form with one 2×2 I.D. photo
- Receipt of payment of application fee (500 pesos for MD program) from USM Cashier (non- refundable)
Admission Cluster
- 1st priority = 80% & above
- 2nd priority = 65% – 79%
- 3rd priority = 50% – 64%
GWA: at least 2.25 or 83% & above
Basis for RANKING
- NMAT: 60%
- GWA: 20%
Preferred pre-Med Courses
- BS Biology, Microbiology, Zoology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
- BS Nursing
- BS Respiratory Therapy
- BS PT, OT , Speech Pathology
- BS Medical Technology, Public Health
- BS Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Technology
- BS Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
- BS Psychology
- Doctor of Dentistry
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Other courses are also considered for MD program provided that the required academic
units for the following are met.
- Biology 15
- Physics 5
- Social Sciences 12
- Chem 10
- Mathematics 9
Bridging Program: Special program in the College of Sciences & Mathematics
Upon qualification in the Phase 1 admission, applicants will be notified for a scheduled interview
PHASE 2: INTERVIEW (to be scheduled)
- HIV, MMR, Dt, Hepatitis B, Pneumococcal, Flu, COVID-19 Swab/ vaccination
- Laboratory test (CBC, Chest X-ray, Urinalysis, HBs Ag)
- Undergo Required Vaccination
Note: Expenses incurred by the applicant during the application for MD program are part of the admission process and should be shouldered by the applicant.
USM MD Program Brief
The USM College of Medicine follows a program-based approach in its academic delivery. This method adheres to the relevant academic intervention that is aligned to the Licensure Examination of the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC).
It is also offered to produce homegrown medical doctors in the region that shall address the wide gap of patient-doctor ratio.
Each graduate of USM MD Program is expected to be:
- A practicing professional doctor
- Medical Researcher
- Medical Academician
- Community Doctor
- Corporate Doctor
- Clinical Doctor
- Employed in other medical related profession
FEES: More or less 50, 000/sem